Court Type: | District Court |
State: | ME |
County: | Penobscot |
Street Address: | 12 Water Street |
City: | Newport |
Zip Code: | 4953 |
Phone: | 207-368-5778 |
Hours: | Monday - Friday : 8:00 am - 4:00 pm |
Website URL: | |
Judge: | Hon. Charles Budd |
Judge Phone: | 207-991-6335 |
Clerk: | Ronda Nelson |
Clerk Phone: | 207-368-5778 |
Parking: | Parking in front and behind courthouse |
Directions: | On Interstate 95 take exit 157 for Newport-Dexter (formerly exit 39). Take a right turn onto Route 100. Take a right on Route 2 past the Irving Mainway Gas Station and McDonald's Restaurant. After you pass Irving, stay to the right by the Chinese Restaurant. Do not go toward the traffic light. You will pass Key Bank. Go 5/10 of a mile, turn left onto Water Street just after the Newport Cultural Center/Library. The court is located on the left side of the street, shortly after turning onto Water Street |
Restrictions: | No firearms, knives, or weapons of any kind. No food or drink in courtrooms. No cell phones, cameras, or other electronic recording devices in courtrooms. No pets, except service animals. |
Jury Service: | |
Languages: | Multiple |
ADA: | Court Access Coordinator |
ADA Phone: | 207-822-0717 |
ADA Fax / Email: | |