Court Type: | District Court |
State: | ME |
County: | Aroostook |
Street Address: | 139 Market Street, Suite 101 |
City: | Fort Kent |
Zip Code: | 4743 |
Phone: | 207-834-5003 |
Fax: | 207-834-5850 |
Hours: | Monday - Friday : 8:00 am - 4:00 pm |
Website URL: | |
Judge: | Hon. Ronald A. Daigle |
Judge Phone: | 207-834-5003 |
Clerk: | Linda Cyr |
Clerk Phone: | 207-834-5003 |
Parking: | Park anywhere in front of main entrance |
Directions: | On Interstate 95 take exit 29 for Smyrna Mills (formerly exit 16). At the four way intersection go straight through for approximately 10 miles. Take a right at the next stop sign (Route 11) to Ashland. At the blinking stop sign go straight to the stop light. Take a left at the stop light. Take a right at the bridge (still on Route 11) and travel approximately 44 miles through Portage, Winterville, Eagle Lake, Wallagrass and into Fort Kent. At the only stop light in Fort Kent, take a right, (you will go pass the St. Louis Church on the left and further up McDonalds). Take the first right after McDonalds, You are now on Market Street where the Court is located. The Court is right after Daigle & Houghton (a truck dealership) on the right |
Restrictions: | No firearms, knives, or weapons of any kind. No food or drink in courtrooms. No cell phones, cameras, or other electronic recording devices in courtrooms. No pets, except service animals. |
Jury Service: | |
Languages: | Multiple |
ADA: | Court Access Coordinator |
ADA Phone: | 207-822-0712 |
ADA Fax / Email: | |