Court Type: | District Court |
State: | ME |
County: | Cumberland |
Street Address: | 3 Chase Street Suite 2 |
City: | Bridgton |
Zip Code: | 4009 |
Phone: | 207-647-3535 |
Hours: | Monday - Friday : 8:00 am - 4:00 pm |
Website URL: | |
Judge: | Hon. Maria A. Woodman |
Judge Phone: | 207-822-4269 |
Clerk: | Caitlin Kellner |
Clerk Phone: | 207-647-3535 |
Parking: | Follow signs to allowed parking areas. Please park in designated spots on the street |
Directions: | On Interstate 95 take exit 63 for Gray (formerly exit 11). After passing through toll booth, bear left. Continue for 1 1/2 to 2 miles and bear right onto Route 115. Stay on Route 115 until reaching a stop light. At the stop light, bear right onto Route 302. Follow route 302 through Windham, Raymond, Naples and into Bridgton. This will bring you to a 4-way traffic light. At the light, bear left (Main Street, Bridgton) and look for Key Bank on the right hand side. Just beyond the Key Bank, on the right, is Chase Street. Turn onto Chase Street and the courthouse complex is straight ahead |
Restrictions: | No firearms, knives, or weapons of any kind. No food or drink in courtrooms. No cell phones, cameras, or other electronic recording devices in courtrooms. No pets, except service animals. |
Jury Service: | |
Languages: | Multiple |
ADA: | Court Access Coordinator |
ADA Phone: | 207-822-0714 |
ADA Fax / Email: | |