Ellsworth District Court

Court Type:District Court
Street Address:50 State Street, Suite 2
Zip Code:4605
Hours:Monday - Friday : 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Website URL:https://www.courts.maine.gov/courts/district/ellsworth-dc.html
Judge:Hon. Michael P. Roberts
Judge Phone:207-991-6335
Clerk:Terry Harding
Clerk Phone:207-667-7141
Parking:Parking is available on the street and in the municipal lot across the street
Directions:Take Route 1A until you come to the point where State Street branches to the right. Bear right and proceed past the school until you arrive at the courthouse which will be on your right
Restrictions:No firearms, knives, or weapons of any kind. No food or drink in courtrooms. No cell phones, cameras, or other electronic recording devices in courtrooms. No pets, except service animals.
Jury Service:https://www.courts.maine.gov/juror/trial.html
ADA:Court Access Coordinator
ADA Phone:207-822-0717
ADA Fax / Email: accessibility@courts.maine.gov