Madawaska District Court

Court Type:District Court
Street Address:645 East Main Street
Zip Code:4756
Hours:Monday - Friday : 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Website URL:
Clerk:Linda Cyr
Clerk Phone:207-728-4700
Parking:Parking is available in front of the main entrance.
Restrictions:No firearms, knives, or weapons of any kind. No food or drink in courtrooms. No cell phones, cameras, or other electronic recording devices in courtrooms. No pets, except service animals.
Jury Service:
ADA:Court Access Coordinator
ADA Phone:207-822-0722
ADA Fax / Email:
About / Additional Info:All filings must be sent to the Fort Kent District Court, 139 Market Street, Suite 101, Fort Kent, Maine 04743. The clerk's office will assign cases based upon jurisdiction. Disclosure hearings and FEDs must list the physical court address in Madawaska listed above, but all paperwork should be sent the Fort Kent District Court. Any civil summonses issued should reflect the Fort Kent District Court address.